Thinking About Enrolling in Massage Therapy School, but Aren’t Sure What Massage Therapy Actually is?

osteopathy procedure on the belly, forming a heart with the hands

Are you considering a career in massage therapy, but would like a better understanding of what massage therapy is? Let’s go over the definition, history, and practice of massage therapy to gain a better understanding.

What is Massage Therapy?
When you attend massage therapy school, you will be learning how to manipulate a person’s soft body tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue, mostly using your hands, but sometimes with your elbows, forearms, and in some cases, knees and feet. You will use your own body to perform bodywork on others who are seeking massage therapy for either relaxation or rehabilitation.

The use and application of bodywork goes a long way back; all the way back to China 2700 B.C.E., as a
matter of fact. Even here in the United States though, massage therapy has been around since colonial times—that’s right, the 1700s. Massage therapy is used not only for relaxation, but is commonly thought of today as CAM, or complimentary and alternative medicine, used in combination with traditional medical treatments.

Types of Massage
There are many modalities, or types, of massage, such as the two most common, Swedish and Shiatsu. Other examples include Oncology Massage, Prenatal Massage, and Sports Massage, but there are several more. The modalities you will learn depend on what is taught at the massage therapy school you choose to attend. After graduation, the type (or types) of massage you practice will depend on what most benefits each client, and/or what modality (or modalities) you choose to specialize in.

Why People Get Massages
While there are dozens of massage techniques available, there are two basic umbrellas that all techniques fall under: relaxation or rehabilitation. Some clients will schedule a session with you in order to relieve stress, while others are seeking alternative therapies to help relieve pain from illness or injuries. Clients seeking alternative therapies or holistic solutions to health concerns may be seeking to reduce pain, rehabilitate a sports injury, arthritis relief, or help with other health concerns.

When people are seeking massage therapy for relaxation, they are likely to get a massage at a spa, wellness center, resort, on a cruise, or at a salon. Rehabilitative massage therapy is usually conducted at hospitals, chiropractic offices, hospices, and clinics.

We hope this article provides you with a better understanding of what massage therapy is and whether or not massage therapy school may be right for you.

If you want more information about our programs, please review the programs page on our site, or call us at 1-866-334-3348.

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