Thinking About Enrolling in Massage Therapy School, but Aren’t Sure What Massage Therapy Actually is?

Are you considering a career in massage therapy, but would like a better understanding of what massage therapy is? Let’s go over the definition, history, and practice of massage therapy to gain a better understanding.

Student Spotlight: Liv Pehl

Liv Pehl is a student at our Prescott campus who was chosen as the ASIS Student of the Month for her dedication to her education and her passion for massage therapy. She’s also quite sassy.

Featured Faculty: Jesse Bray

Jesse is an athlete, a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honors society, and plays roller derby. Having sustained multiple injuries as an athlete, Jesse knows the importance of physical therapy and massage therapy. Both a mother and wife, she highly values family. Jesse teaches at the ASIS campus in Prescott and also assists prospective students during the admissions process.